Port Macquarie Accommodation
A Surf Lifesaving Ironperson endurance event, the Rainbow Gold Enduro is now in it’s 5th year. This year as well as being open to members of the surf lifesaving organisation, it is being opened to members of the general public, subject to meeting entry requirements. It consists of a 10.5 kilometre ski paddle , a 2 kilometre ocean swim, 3 kilometre board paddle and 5.5 kilometre soft sand run.
It can be contested individually or as part of a team . This event is relatively new on the surf sports calendar and is a good opportunity for athletes to warm up for the bigger Coolangatta Gold event which takes place in October.
For further information, please visit https://www.slsmnc.com.au/rainbow-gold-enduro/
Saturday, 21 September 2024
Wauchope Bonny Hills SLSC
Port Macquarie Motel – Macquarie Barracks
Macquarie Barracks Motor Inn is the perfect Port Macquarie accommodation option for competitors and spectators for the Rainbow Gold Enduro. For the best Port Macquarie motel rates, book direct at macquariebarracks.com.au
Alternatively, please contact us on (02) 6583 5333 or info@macquariebarracks.com.au
We would love to welcome you!